English language challendges Hello! Today I am going to tell you about my experience learning English at university online... For me, it was difficult to get used to this way of learning, especially for English because of the internet connection, many times it was very difficult for me to understand the instructions of the activities so many times I felt that I would not be able to pass the subject, especially because in my school they did not give importance to English so I only really started to learn English when I entered the university... For me, blogging was a good way to practice writing, although I often didn't know what words to use and ended up changing all the sentences so that I wouldn't lose the meaning... However, now that the course is finishing I can say that I still need to improve my modulation and pronunciation but I think that if I practice every day I will improve more and more even though I don't use English very often as none of my friends know Engl...
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Time travel to the future... Hello! I think we would all like to have the possibility to travel back in time either to repair something from the past or to travel to the future for different reasons, for example, I have always been curious about how I would look and what I would be like in the future because maybe in a few more years, I can be a completely different person or a similar person to the one I am today. In my case, I would like to travel to the future, I don't know where in the future it would be because I am really indecisive so I would have too many options but I would like to travel about twenty years in the future so I can see how I change and how my environment changes..... I think the first thing I would do would be to see how I am doing and how my family is doing so I could have the opportunity to see if I can avoid some of my destiny so to spea...
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Blog post 7: Changes to my study programme Hello! Today I will tell you about the changes I would like to make in my study program. For me it was super difficult to decide what to study as it has also been super complicated to see if social work is what I really wanted to study for that reason, one of the changes I would like to make is that in the first year of university careers do internships or classes that show how it would really work in the area studied since there are not few of us who enter the university without really knowing if it is the right decision ... In addition, I think it is important to generate instances where you could meet students who have already graduated from the career to tell their experiences of the career and professional life to learn more about what it means to be a social worker, especially thinking that we are in a completely new and unknown context... In relation to the pandemic context, I think it is important that there are more area...
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My future job... Hello!! I consider myself an indecisive person so probably what is my ideal job today, in another couple of months might not be ideal... but right now I would like to have a job that allows me to be in direct contact with people, striving to try to help make a change in their lives, even if it is a small change, that is why I am studying Social Work.... I really feel that my ideal job would be a mix of environments. Some days I feel like I need to be outdoors to have more energy and be productive during the day but sometimes I feel the opposite.... I really am a person who can't live in the same daily routine so being in different places and getting to know different realities is something that would really motivate me. Also, I would like my job to allow me to travel to other places in the country or even outside of Chile, I feel that it would be an incredible opportunity but that it allows me to be close to my family is the most important thing for me? I think the...
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My experience in choosing a career. Hello! Today I am going to talk to you about why I chose to study Social Work. Throughout my secondary education I had no idea what to study at university. I went to a lot of career fairs and talked to different people but nothing convinced me.... Time went by and I was still very confused, all the careers were an option, but I had less and less time to decide so I started to sort through the careers that had more topics of interest to me until I met a person who had studied Social Work.... she had gone through the same thing as me but in Social Work she had found a world that united different areas in one university career such as education and it was that sentence that really convinced me to enter Social Work.... I feel that having entered Social Work has helped me to discover the things that I really like, especially my interest in the public sector and being in direct contact with people and although I was not completely sure about the d...
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A fascinating series Hello, today I'm going to tell you about a series that I loved from the first episode. The series is called "New Amsterdam", with my dad we always look for series on Netflix or Amazon because we like the same series and the series New Amsterdam had just been released on Netflix so we started watching it and we loved it right away. It's a series about a hospital in the United States where each episode is a different story, with different patients. I like it because the series shows the work of the different areas of the hospital, such as the emergency room or cardiology. I am a person who only watches a series once because if I watch it again I feel that the episodes don't convey the same emotion as when I watched it once but New Amsterdam is definitely worth it, even though there are only two seasons of the series on Netflix, I would definitely watch it again. I would definitely recommend this series as it is exciting to see the different ca...
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Blog post 2: The best holidays ever Hello! the best holidays were in 2018 when I went with my parents and my sisters to visit the south of Chile. As it was only three weeks we tried to get to know as much as possible so we decided to stay in a house in Puerto Montt where we rested and during the day we went out to visit different places. The first day we went to see the "statue of the lovers" in Puerto Montt and walked along the coast but it started to rain very hard so we had to hide under the statue until the rain stopped and go to the car. Then we went to visit Chiloé so we had to get on the boat to get there, it was really an incredible experience. We also visited different lakes such as Frutillar, Llanquihue and “el lago de todos los santos”, where there were beautiful landscapes and you could see different volcanoes. Besides, we travelled along a large part of ...