Time travel to the future...

Hello! I think we would all like to have the possibility to travel back in time either to repair something from the past or to travel to the future for different reasons, for example, I have always been curious about how I would look and what I would be like in the future because maybe in a few more years, I can be a completely different person or a similar person to the one I am today.


In my case, I would like to travel to the future, I don't know where in the future it would be because I am really indecisive so I would have too many options but I would like to travel about twenty years in the future so I can see how I change and how my environment changes..... I think the first thing I would do would be to see how I am doing and how my family is doing so I could have the opportunity to see if I can avoid some of my destiny so to speak or follow the same path in order to accomplish my goals....

To be honest, I would not like to stay in the future because I would like to live all the stages of my life and if there is something that I can avoid, I would just like to know my future so I can go back and try to improve things because I believe that everyone is capable of transforming their destiny according to their own decisions because these also create the person that one is.....


  1. Wow! It is very interesting to see what you would do if you could travel to the future! For my part, I would do totally different things


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