My future job...

Hello!! I consider myself an indecisive person so probably what is my ideal job today, in another couple of months might not be ideal... but right now I would like to have a job that allows me to be in direct contact with people, striving to try to help make a change in their lives, even if it is a small change, that is why I am studying Social Work....

I really feel that my ideal job would be a mix of environments. Some days I feel like I need to be outdoors to have more energy and be productive during the day but sometimes I feel the opposite.... I really am a person who can't live in the same daily routine so being in different places and getting to know different realities is something that would really motivate me.

Also, I would like my job to allow me to travel to other places in the country or even outside of Chile, I feel that it would be an incredible opportunity but that it allows me to be close to my family is the most important thing for me?

I think the salary is still an important factor but if I really find my dream job, the salary would come second... For me, the peace of mind and feeling motivated in what I do is what really matters...


  1. I would also like to travel outside of Chile, although first I would like to change the country! xDDD


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