Blog post 7: Changes to my study programme

Hello! Today I will tell you about the changes I would like to make in my study program.

For me it was super difficult to decide what to study as it has also been super complicated to see if social work is what I really wanted to study for that reason, one of the changes I would like to make is that in the first year of university careers do internships or classes that show how it would really work in the area studied since there are not few of us who enter the university without really knowing if it is the right decision ...

In addition, I think it is important to generate instances where you could meet students who have already graduated from the career to tell their experiences of the career and professional life to learn more about what it means to be a social worker, especially thinking that we are in a completely new and unknown context...

In relation to the pandemic context, I think it is important that there are more areas of support for students, mainly in relation to mental health and study schedules as classes have a duration of about three hours but the actual academic load is too much over the limit and, thinking that most students do not have only the responsibility to study and keep up with the university, it becomes very complicated to find an organization that allows to meet all ...


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